CBS News

CBS News: Who should buy term life insurance? (featuring our Natasha McPherson)

January 24, 2024
Congratulations Natasha on your contributions to CBS News!

Article Title:

CBS News - Money Watch: Managing Your Money - Who should buy term life insurance?


Life insurance enables you to leave money behind for loved ones when you pass away. It can be used to pass on a tax-free inheritance, replace your income, cover your end-of-life expenses, and more.

About half of Americans report carrying life insurance, according to the 2022 Insurance Barometer Study conducted by LIMRA and Life Happens. There are many different types of life insurance on the market but, when is a term life policy the best fit? Read on to learn about five common scenarios where term life insurance may make sense.

If you're in the market for life insurance then start by getting a free price quote so you know exactly what to expect.

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